Hey y'alll,
You can be a part of the December issue of YADA Magazine. Just send your article to harryitie@gmail.com or info@yadamag.com or yadamag@gmail.com
Here are a couple of guidelines though
1: Every blogger or writer should submit at least 5 pictures. not scanned. good bright pictures with moderate or Good enough smiles
2. Every Bloggers Article should come in before the 25th of this month please. I would need to really get good Pictures.
3: Anyone sending pictures should make sure they are high resolution and of High quality.
4:We don't use scanned pictures
Plus every writer should put a brief write up about their writing lives. it for the page that shows our contributors. we want to make avenue for other magazine to feature you on an article....
Thanks guys.. and keep reading YADA...
Also you can be a guest blogger or writer on this blog...Just email me your post and it is there...
Still check out the November issue here
I am so excited. My website is LIVE!!!
Read the first official post here
I am going to miss blogger but this is a new phase of my life. Get ready
for Har...
12 years ago